Host Your Conference

If your institution is interested in our conference organization services, please consider partnering with us. Our services include:

  • Providing a conference management platform, ConfManage, which offers comprehensive conference management including:
    • Receiving scientific papers.
    • Managing the scientific paper evaluation process from submission to reviewer assignment and decision-making.
    • Handling conference registration and fee payment.
    • Providing necessary reports for conference management and operations.
  • Offering scientific publication services for conference proceedings, including language editing, proofreading, and publication file preparation.
  • Managing relationships with researchers from receiving research submissions to communicating about required manuscript revisions and all necessary procedures.
  • Providing promotion and marketing services for conferences, with access to over 100,000 academic subscribers worldwide on our platform.
  • Offering website building and development services for the conference site, along with ongoing monitoring, development, and maintenance overseen by experts from EuroMid Academy.